Infant - Kindergarten

Cradle Roll

Ages : Birth - 2 years old
Location : The Ark
Registration Form - Click Here


Ages : 2 -3 Years
Location : The Ark
Registration Form - Click Here

The Toddler Class welcomes your 2-3 year old child to join us Sunday mornings. We provide a safe, caring environment where you child will learn about Jesus through age appropriate Bible lessons, songs, crafts and games. Sunday School is a great place for little hearts to begin their lifelong love of God and His word.


Ages : 4 - 5 Years
Location : Room 110
The Beginners are focused on teaching and training children at a young age the importance of serving God. We teach basic Bible principles and assist them in memorizing scriptures. "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee". - Psalms 119:1