Treasures God Gave Me in the Darkness
May 27, 2018
“Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have...
There's a message for us today in one of the scariest stories in the Bible about Belshazzar and his party that was interrupted by an armless hand writing on the wall.
“Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have...
The Perrys have been traveling across the country, sharing The Gospel...
Even though Mother’s Day comes once a year, we should celebrate our...
The Good Samaritan is a parable of Jesus that teaches the answer to...
In Track, a High Jumper keeps raising the bar to get better and higher...
What is your attitude when given an opportunity to do something for...
There is no greater legacy to pass on than a life lived in genuine...
On this Easter Sunday, we celebrate the ultimate example of CALM in our...
Palm Sunday was the beginning of the end of Jesus’ ministry as a man...
What if our mind had a “remote control” that allowed us to hit the...
In order to be calm in this present world, we have to learn how to...
Calm Christians have something in common … they have a high level of...
As the world grows deeper into decay and darkness, why hasn’t the...
Most of the encounters the church will have with the world will take...
Our “Calm” series continues with a look at Paul’s definition of a...
Watch as our Guatemala team gives an update on their most recent...
Last week we learned about one of life’s busiest intersection … Now or...